Saturday, November 29, 2008

Longtime Companion (1990)


I first saw this movie right after it came out. I was a college student, & my roommate & I had gone to the "art" theater to see it. I don't really remember much about the movie from back then. But I clearly remember that I spent 10 to 15 minutes sobbing in the ladies room after the movie was over.

One of my uncles, whom I was very fond of, died of AIDS in the mid-80's. I wasn't allowed to visit him & I didn't go to the funeral, so I never really felt any closure after he died. This movie brought everything to the surface for me. I cried for my uncle Brian, & for not being able to tell him goodbye.

I've never forgotten the grief that I felt because of this film. Now, almost 20 years later, I wanted to see this movie again, to see what exactly had triggered such a deep reaction.

It was definitely the ending when all of the friends who had died come back in a sort of fantasy beach reunion. What's so sad is that you want so badly to see them just one more time, to tell them that you love them & that you miss them. But it's just not possible. & for that, I cried again.

Longtime Companion on IMDb

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