Thursday, January 15, 2009

Grizzly Man (2005)

This is the story of a man lost, in search of his life's fulfillment. He lived 13 summers in the Alaskan outback, encroaching on bear territory, & befriending wild foxes. This film includes the man's own footage taken during his stays in Alaska, as well as interviews with friends & family members.

It's films like this that make me thankful that I'm not that crazy. Timothy Treadwell was a troubled soul, a manic depressive with no direction. As we all do, he was looking for happiness. But he chose to seek it out in the midst of giants, eventually being crushed by them.

I recently saw another film by Werner Herzog, Encounters at the End of the World (2007), in which the film maker was sarcastic & impatient with his subjects. I expected the same for this movie, since there was no shortage of opportunities to criticize Treadwell. Instead, Herzog was respectful, kind, & sometimes even emotional. What could have happened to him in the interum?

Grizzly Man on IMDb

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